The Global Forest Industry in the 1Q/2017
(Seattle, USA, June 12, 2017) Global Pulpwood Prices:
• The Global Softwood Fiber Price Index (SFPI) fell 0.7% quarter-over-quarter in the 1Q/17, which was down 3.0% from the 1Q/16. The SPFI has been in decline for almost five years and is currently at its lowest level since the 3Q/04. In real terms, the SFPI in the 1Q/17 was at its lowest level since WRQ initiated the index 30 years ago in 1988. The biggest recent declines in softwood fiber costs for the pulp sector have occurred in Eastern Canada, Finland, France and Germany.
• Hardwood wood fiber prices have generally moved up worldwide in the 1Q/17, with the Global Hardwood Fiber Price Index (HFPI) increasing one percent qo-q to $86.99/odmt in the 1Q/17. Prices rose the most in Australia, Brazil, Russia and the western US.
Global Pulp Markets
• Demand for chemical market pulp was up by over six percent during the first three months of 2017 as compared to the same quarter in 2016. Chinese demand was up the most, 22%, while Western Europe was the only region where consumption was down in early 2017.
• Prices for most pulp grades have increased in early 2017 because of a combination of tight supply and continued strong demand.
• The BHKP price has gone up the most this year, having increased almost $90/ton to $740/ton in just four months, while the price rise of NBSK has been a more modest $30/ton from January to April. (Source: Wood Resources International LLC)