Register or Login:
If you are not registered you must first register on VitalPAPER by clicking the “Log In” link on the main page. Once registered, you are free to use the service per the terms of the membership agreement. If you are registered you must first login before posting or buying paper.
Post your paper:
Once registered, you can go to your dashboard. On the left side panel you shall see Products section. Once you click on that, you will be redirected to products page wherein you will see the option to add new products. Click on “add new products” and fill the product detail form. Upload corresponding images as well for the product being uploaded. Click on save and then Update.
At any time, you may go to the My Listings page to edit or delete your listings.
Buyers may submit enquiries:
When a buyer makes an enquiry on your paper, you will receive an email notification first so you don’t need to always check out your inventory. You can directly get in touch with the buyer and discuss payment terms, packaging etc and close the sale.