How Do I Buy Paper?

Register or Login:

If you are not registered you must first register on VitalPAPER by clicking the “Log In” link on the main page. Once registered, you are free to use the service per the terms of the membership agreement. If you are registered you must first login before posting or buying paper.

Browse or Search for paper:

You may find paper by either: clicking on one of paper categories at the top of the page under navigation, or the “Products” link, filling out information in the search box. Once you find the paper you want, you may either enquire on the stock or make the purchase at the seller’s asking price. All payments or negotiations are to be taken offline between the seller and buyer.

Making Enquiry:

Once you find the paper you want, you may make an enquiry on the stock by entering your required quantity and clicking “Submit ”. The enquiry is sent directly to the seller for review. The seller may reply to you through email or call you directly provided you put your contact details in the form.
